I had a coach tell me once; "Courage is not the lack of fear, but doing the rite thing in spite of fear". What a great lesson. Many times there is the thought that something I want to do or need to do is too big or out of reach, but it is the rite thing to do for my family, friends, co-workers, humanity or myself. Very often the enemy of good is not evil but laziness and self centered-ness. Another great quote, which goes with this, is "All that is required for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing". I must constantly remember that good is required of me, it must be active and take effort and be based on a solid inner knowledge of what is good. Then I must act out good, even when it seems confrontational, objectionable or detrimental to me. I must do rite even when faced with fear; override my emotions with knowledge of truth. I must have courage.
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