Monday, September 17, 2007



It is always interesting when you meet someone new or in a group the question is asked, "so what kind of music do you like?" Some time you get a response stating rock, country rap etc, but most of the time you get I like all types of music. I enjoy it all. What a cop out! We all enjoy different types of music from time to time. But we all have natural preferences that resonate with our soul and move us. Something that motivates you to be better than you are or to comfort you in times when you could use encouragement and should help you celebrate life and teach us lessons in life.


I do want to make one comment. I have often been asked about the state of "Christian" music. Here is the deal. Bad theology put to a tune does not make good music. It is also true that bad music with decent theology is not necessarily helpful either. And just because an artist has there music distributed on a "Christian" label doesn't make it Christian. To the same point just because a song plays on a "secular" station or label doesn't exclude it from being a good song. My dad used to say that "Christian Rock" was similar to sang "Christian Porn". I don't know if I would go that far but I will say we cannot check our brains, ears, soul or spirit at the door when it comes to listening to music. It is not benign but a very powerful forum, with huge potential for good or evil in our world.


All I want is music that has great theology, including excellent hermeneutics, context and homely, drops a hard beat, with guitars that wale and base the booms, regardless of style or format. Words and tunes matter.


Rock On!

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