I have had a great opportunity to study religion, in particular Christianity, since 1978; including reading the Bible cover to cover and multiple times. I have had the privilege to have studied in Bible schools and colleges under numerous modern theologians, fathers, pastors and teachers. Multiple conversations with multiple church leaders; with many "behind the scenes" discussions on reality of life and theology have been had. And now, still, I am faced with a frustration. There is a reality that is a quagmire that threatens to holds true followers of Christ stagnant. Those who would live in Christ, from the land of Christ … Christ-ians back. It is this…We focus on minor issues and not on what is truly important. Augustine first raised this point that we should not spend our time focusing on really insignificant issues and focus on the truth. We should not be bickering about theology (once saved always saved, speaking in tongues, cussing, sex before marriage, adultery, divorce, immersion, sprinkling, etc. ) as it is stated in 1 Timothy 1:6-7. But rather, what true religion is, is physically loving and taking care of people. James 1:27 says that true and lasting religion is to "…care for orphans and widows in their troubles…". Basically the entire Bible, all the commands all the teachings boil down to this: Love God & Love Man. I would go as far as to say that you express your love for God by loving man. In 1 John 2, God points out the futility of claiming to love God but not showing love, compassion, empathy and assistance to our fellow man. Love is so hard sometimes, especially when rules and rituals are so much easier. It is easier to say " Hope ya feel better…", "good luck with that electric bill…"," Hope that cancer doesn't come back…". Instead of giving real tangible and empirical hope. Real Christians should be able to give hope, be successful enough at what they do to have money to give (as opposed to begging for it on TV). Real Christians should have the power to lay hands on the sick and have them recover. "Awe, but that kind of power disappeared with the apostles.", "Christians shouldn't be ambitious.", "that wouldn't be living on faith, to be successful at work." Excuses I say, Excuses all, not even real theology but lame excuses the modern church has come up with to explain away our lack of power. We should not be as those who claim to know Him, but deny his Power, claiming to follow him but not living lives that serve him. And how do we do that? How do we live as He did? It is easy. Here is what Jesus says:
Love God and Love man. Matthew 22:34-40; Luke 10:26-28;
So we love God by loving man, all mankind. Even that guy at work you hate. Even that loved one who betrayed the most sacred of loves and turned it into something ugly. We love. Because "Whatever we have done to the least"1 we have done to God. And you know, a lot of times we are the least, that are in need of loving. So I say, that the measure of your true character, as a human, is how you treat the person you like the least. You only love God, as much as the person you love the least. If we look at Jesus, he said, if you even look at a woman with lust you have committed adultery with her. This is the warning to stay away, but when the woman, caught in the physical act is brought to Him, He does not judge, rather he forgives and she joins His group of close friends. Jesus says If you hate, it is as if you have murdered someone, Yet he had murders, zealots, in his apostles. He laid out the path of a successful life, but never condemned when people fell short. He only ever was disappointed when people didn't act on what he said (faith), and was angry at those who claimed to know God but laid down rules and regulations instead of loving. Again, we need to tangibly:
Love God and Love Each other.
Matthew 519, Matthew 10:42, Matthew 25:40
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