Matthew 20: 1-16 the parable of the works in the vineyard. Jesus has already told us this, No matter who you are and how long you have been saved, or what your back ground is, if you confess Jesus and Believe in him we all get the same wages. It’s by grace our reward is based, not on how we live.
Now there are all those scriptures that say “those that do this will be cast into outer darkness”. True, those that do not truly believe in Jesus and do those things will, those that have done those things or struggle with those things but DO truly believe in Jesus will have eternal life, and what Jesus declares “Clean” nobody can declare unclean. Gods grace is the power to not sin and his mercy is giving us what Jesus deserves even when we act like we do. So do we sin so that grace and mercy can abound no, but don’t freak out. Live life, Love God Love each other.
So the good news is the sinner and the saint get the same pay, if they love God and man, through Jesus. Cool.
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