Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ice Week

Well, its 1:20 AM. there is a little snow left on the ground and the temperature has continued to fall. What an end to an interesting week. The ice still has many people with out electricity. It is always interesting how a persons situation can effect their attitude. This then effects multiple people that then spreads throughout the community. Even more amazing is when a group within the community makes a conscience effort to have a great attitude in spite of great discomfort and help others. Extremely impressed with teamrelief who, even without electric and trees down in their own yards, got out and cleared over 150 yards in our area.

My week was phenomenal. my classes where canceled, my finals where turned to A's or averaged into our grade, my work is only on the weekends and some serious financial concerns where taken care of. On top of that I have a great wife and family. Life is pretty great.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Nextel - Burried Treasure

Something slightly frustrates me. Years ago, before the merger of Sprint PCS and Nextel Communications into the new SprintNextel, Nextel emphesized there group Walkie-Talkie services. The service known as "Talk Group" allowed groups of up to 100 users in a common industry to talk to everyone with the push of a button in under a second. It was inter operable through departments. First responders in public and private sector utilized the service, extensively. Nextel, in 2005, started to offer a handset based service, more focused on the consumer market, called Group Connect. This is simular to Talk group, but is handset based, can use multiple accounts and Fleets (ill come back to the fleets later), but is also limited to 20 users. Both services, but especially the Talk Group service, could be tremendously helpfull for many solutions but especially public sector. For example, when aquiring new service, every fireman, poliece man, ambulance crew member etc, could replest that there radio ID have the first responder fleet ID. then they would request to be added to thier local areas first responder group. at which point any emergancy that was transmitted to the group, they could participate in, reguardless of thier specific departmetns exisitng radio network or technology. This would mean clean communication to all those who needed to be in a critical loop.

Let me define Radio ID. Each Nextel unit came with two numbers, 1. the cell phone number and 2. the radio ID. The radio ID was divided into 3 parts. Area number*Fleet ID*Unit number. For example a common radio ID for North Easter OK with a 918 area code would be 142*90*12345. Everyone on the 142*90 could apply to be on the same Talk Group.

Momentum for these services where gaining ground up until around 2005. Third quarter of 2005, Nextel and Sprint PCS merged to from SprintNextel. At this point the focus of the business shifted from Nextels business customers, which comprised 96% of their customer base, to consumer. So many of these special, yet crucial, services took a back seat. About 9 months ago I saw an interview with Dennis Leary, about his work with fire fighters. They where desperate for a quality instant communication for first responders. I was flustered, knowing that there is great product already in effect, but because of commercial corporate capitalism based finance, has been hidden from public view. Now the same sentiment is being echoed in the FCC's public safety requirements in the new 700MHz auctions. The effective solution has already been created and implemented and has a proven track record but has been tucked away in a back closet some ware, where only a few are aware of it and even fewer utilize it. A great analogy would be the the final scene in the movie Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark where they hide the Ark in the back of a warehouse. Now SprintNextel is wanting to re-emphasize their Direct Connect walkie-talkie service, but still are not focusing on their public safety Talk Group service.

So If you are a first responder, especially a decision maker for a department, go to a SprintNextel store, ask for a Nextel rep and have then explain Talk Group. Not Group Connect, but Talk Group. If they cant, shame on them, find another rep. This is a service that can benefit every metropolitan community in the US. The service was there for 9/11 (never went down, but not all responders had the phones), It was the most reliable service in Katrina and in the earthquake in Hawaii last year. All landlines networks can go down and users would still have 128bit Triple DES encrypted secure communication. Instant, Secure, Interoperable Nation Wide, First-Responder ready, communication is available, Right Now.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Motorola Q9c Review

Got the chance to play with the newly released Motorola Q9c. I say newly released, because a music version has been available from Verizon for a few months now, but this is the business class verson launched through SprintNextel on Nov 23rd.

This device exceeded my expectations. This is due, in part, because I had pretty low expectations; mainly because of the fact that the new version of the Q has a new OS, but no increase in internal memory or RAM; both still at 64 MB. The HTC touch has 128 MB of ram, 256 of internal memory and a higher than 400 mhz processor in it. Where the Q was left at the same memory and processor power. Also i was a little dissapointed that while other manufactuors are siezing opprotunitys to upgrade the mini sd capabilities, the new Q still only supports up to 2 GB, where as the HTC Touch supports up to 8 GB. That being said I was pleasantly suprised.

Here are the highlights:
Active GPS with navigation, no need to purchas optional blueooth puck. The device performed live GPS Navigation through the speaker. It was very sensitive, even moving the icon as i waved the phone arround.

Sprint TV siupport, you can watch live TV on your phone.

Inhanced PIM in mobil 6 supports better calander and task and memo support

Better memory management lists large memory hoging software with a delete option.

Great preloaded IM client with preset support for AIM, Yahoo & WIndows/MSN.

Phone comes out of the box with extended life battery.

New keyboard is made of a better material and laid out better than previous version.

All in all good phone. Yet to be seen how it will react when laden with 3rd party sotware. Owever not as much need because of the pre loaded apps.

Ill give it a 3 out of 5 stars. ***

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Church Coffee

This is how you do coffee at church. An actual Starbucks, with actual Starbucks coffee & employees!

Friday, October 12, 2007

The History of the Knot, AT&T Mobility


Many jokes and some confusion have arisen from the AT&T/Cingular/AT&T sell, merger, purchase and rebranding. Just ask Richard Childress, the driver of NASCAR car Number 31. What sticker will be on the car and is it legal? But in everyday life customers are sometimes questioning the stability of a wireless carrier which many may have had and enjoyed for years. So here is an overview:


1983 to 1984 - FCC deregulates Ma-bell Company AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph) and Splits it into AT&T long distance and seven local phone companies, two of which are South Western Bell Corp. (SBC) & Bell South

1994 - Purchases Craig McCaw's Cellular One and renames it AT&T Wireless

2002 – SBC & Bell South merger their wireless holdings to form Cingular

2004 – Cingular purchases AT&T Wireless from AT&T and rebrands both networks as "New Cingular Wireless Service, Inc."

2006 – AT&T Buys SBC & Bell South and rebrands everything, Long distance, Local, Yellow Pages and Cingular Wireless back to AT&T. Technically the name for AT&T cellular service is now AT&T Mobility (not AT&T Wireless). The actual wireless rebranding date is not until 2007 and occurs nationally on the same Friday the iPhone is launched in stores.

2007 – AT&T Mobility purchases Dobson Communications which is a wireless carrier operating under the Cellular One brand but more importantly is the brand owner.


So basically we have the entire circle of life for AT&T Started out as one company, bought Cellular One was split up or sold off almost all of its part and has slowly remerged back into it original giant. AT&T is now the largest wireless provider in the country. As a side note on the new NBC TV Show Journey Man the main character travels back through time. In the present he owns an Apple iPhone (currently this phone is under a 5 year exclusive contract with AT&T Mobility). He travels back into the early 90's and 80's. At one point he goes into his apartment and gets an old Motorola DPC 550 flip phone because his iPhone has no service. The no service situation is accurate because AT&T (McCaw/Cell One) was AMPS in the 80's early 90's. They converted to TDMA/CDPD in the latter 90's then to GSM in the 2000's; so the iPhone works off of technology not available in the states at that time. However, technically speaking a customer could have obtained service and an account number with the wireless carrier (Cellular One) in the Baltimore/DC area as early as 1989 and have continuous service with that theoretical account until the present as long as they upgraded equipment and billing systems along the way. So theoretically the oldest wireless account on a singular (no pun intended) wireless network would be 18 years. So the Journey Man could have had the same number in 1994 with "AT&T" then as he does now.


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cell Phone Info (An Industry in Entropy)

I would like to pass on some helpful observations and make the information as plain and to the point as I can. Over the last 15 years I have worked in various capacities in the telecommunications industry, mostly in wireless. I have seen customers go from one carrier to the next looking for an illusive level of satisfaction from wireless in the United States, only to bounce from carrier to carrier and end up where they started. I hope this will give anyone who reads it objective information to make an informed and quality decision on wireless service. This is not ubiquitous but a concise recommendation from my experience on the eve of my exit from the industry .


What carrier should you chose?

  • Need Great Coverage, in US with Moderate travel to Europe, Asia, Africa & Mid East: Go with AT&T Mobility
  • Wireless For business Connectivity with multiple services to fit business needs; Including Fastest and Largest Data network, National instant Walkie-Talkie, GPS, And Mobile Video and Radio; or need to talk to or go to Mexico: Go with SprintNextel
  • Want Cool US coverage Phones with Music & Multimedia and good East Coast major City Coverage. Go with Verizon
  • Do you want the Best Customer care with fewest billing issues and the most inexpensive rates with best minutes to dollar ration: Go with T-Mobile U.S.A.
  • Do you live in a rural area and need good coverage locally and do not care much about national or international travel: Go with a rural regional provider like Alltel or US Cellular
  • Live in a Medium to major city, are most likely 13 to 25, need unlimited talking and texting but call quality and coverage are not mission critical to life, neither is the ability to travel out of an approximate 55 mile range of your home town: Go with Metro PCS or Cricket

Now you may be saying that I want a carrier that will do all of this. Well most do, they just don't do it all well. If you go in with the understanding that you have to give up something you want to gain something you need (or really want), and get to a place of peace about that, your relationship with the carrier will be more enjoyable for you.


State of the Industry

    I just want to say a quick word about the wireless industry in the USA. The US and Japan deliver wireless service to the public different than most of the world. We have different frequencies and in some carriers case, different technology. Our business model is different. Rather than a true wireless operator model, we are more revenue generating models. To this end most of the big carriers are more focused on Wall-Street performance than in wireless performance and customer satisfaction. This is evident in how a consumer purchases a phone in the US. They get a free or cheep phone and sign a long (12 -36 month) contract. A Free phones actual MSRP is usually between $150 & $200. The Carrier Subsidizes that cost using the handset as a lost leader unit, then recovers the cost in revenue over the period of the contact. It is, in reality, less like a retail purchase and more like a 24 month signature loan from a financial institute that is publicly traded on the stock market. This benefits the carrier at the expense of the handset manufacture (who is selling the carrier and not the customer) and the consumer (who now is in a long term contract and has limited handset selection with most rate plans even between carriers, resembling each other).



So here is my 2 Cents

Here is my thesis on what the industry should evolve to, either voluntarily or via regulation. I would rather it come about via competition over customer care and wireless service rather than government intervention.

  • Carriers should stop selling equipment
  • Handset manufacturers and retail outlets should sell equipment directly to the public
  • Carriers should move to a single technology. I suggest a SIM based WiMax service. On a side note European, Asian, Middle Eastern, African carries should also consider this.
  • Open access should become a reality
  • Specific, universal and standardized support for public sector first responders should be supported by ALL wireless carriers.
  • Customers should be able to take there phone to any carrier
  • No long term contracts. Nothing longer than 12 months
  • Carriers compete on feature sets, Network coverage and call quality, Data speeds and customer care.
  • Handset manufactures provide retail locations to sell and Repair their phones.
  • Customers are willing to pay for the value of a handset instead of insisting on FREE or Cheap phones (you get what you pay for)


Well that is my two cents.


I hope you found this useful.



Sunday, October 7, 2007

Bee Good

Watching a spider catch, wrap and eat a Bee on the side of my house.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Man the river is alive tonight!

Monday, September 17, 2007



It is always interesting when you meet someone new or in a group the question is asked, "so what kind of music do you like?" Some time you get a response stating rock, country rap etc, but most of the time you get I like all types of music. I enjoy it all. What a cop out! We all enjoy different types of music from time to time. But we all have natural preferences that resonate with our soul and move us. Something that motivates you to be better than you are or to comfort you in times when you could use encouragement and should help you celebrate life and teach us lessons in life.


I do want to make one comment. I have often been asked about the state of "Christian" music. Here is the deal. Bad theology put to a tune does not make good music. It is also true that bad music with decent theology is not necessarily helpful either. And just because an artist has there music distributed on a "Christian" label doesn't make it Christian. To the same point just because a song plays on a "secular" station or label doesn't exclude it from being a good song. My dad used to say that "Christian Rock" was similar to sang "Christian Porn". I don't know if I would go that far but I will say we cannot check our brains, ears, soul or spirit at the door when it comes to listening to music. It is not benign but a very powerful forum, with huge potential for good or evil in our world.


All I want is music that has great theology, including excellent hermeneutics, context and homely, drops a hard beat, with guitars that wale and base the booms, regardless of style or format. Words and tunes matter.


Rock On!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Covenant – 1 (Confederation)



Gen 14.

There was a war between two lands one with 5 kings against a land with 4 kings. The land with 5 kings was composed, among others, with nations of Sodom and the nation of Gamora. The battle took place in the valley of Siddim. The valley was full of pits and wholes in the ground. As the battle turned the kings of Sodom and Gamora ran and then fell into these pits. The other warring nations then invaded Sodom and gamora and took their wealth and food. Lot was living in the land of Sodom and Gamora, and he and all of his stuff was taken. A messenger got a way and ran to tell Abraham. Now Abraham lived in a neighboring region in a land with a man named Mamre and his brother Aner. The word says they where in "confederate" with Abraham. That is like a covenant where one is the boss. So Abraham and Mamre and their men got together, trained and went out to bring back Lot. There where 318 men. They went by night and destroyed the Chedorlaomer, And brought back lot, the wealth and the women. On the way back


Points of interest

  1. Confederate בַּעַל‎ (ba'al) a master; hence a husband, or (figurative) owner (often used with another noun in modifications of this latter sense) :- + archer, + babbler, + bird, captain, chief man, + confederate, + have to do, + dreamer, those to whom it is due, + furious, those that are given to it, great, + hairy, he that hath it, have, + horseman, husband, lord, man, + married, master, person, + sworn, they of.—Strong's Talking Greek & Hebrew Dictionary
    1. When something effected Abraham it affected the land
    2. This covenant was not equal but had one person as boss or landlord, or master.
  2. Abraham attacked at night and was overwhelmingly victorious
  3. On his way back he is greeted by the King of Salem and the concept of Tithe is introduced in the Word.
  4. Abraham also did not take any wealth from the king of Sodom, so that the king of Sodom could not say he made Abraham Rich.
  5. Abraham, in this order
    1. Stepped out in faith by believing God's promise to him and moving to this land (Believed and took action based on that belief)
    2. Became rich and made covenants with men around him
    3. Became powerful because of his wealth and alliances (Covenants)
    4. Tithed to God a Tenth of his wealth

Declined wealth from the evil around him rather trusted God for his wealth

Friday, August 31, 2007


"From the depths of despair, O lord I call for your help. Hear my cry, O Lord. Pay attention to my prayer.

Lord, If you kept a record of our sins who, O Lord, could ever survive?

But you offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear you.

I am counting on the Lord; yes, I am counting on him. I have put my hope in His Word.

I long for the Lord more than sentries long for the dawn, yes, more than sentries long for the dawn,

O israel, hope in the Lord; for with the Lord there is umnfailing love. His redemption overflows.

He Himself will redeem Israel from every kind of sin. "

Psalms 130

I have been asked how I can quit my career of 15 years and go back to school in the pursuit of a better future for my family. My answer is, "I am counting ont the Lord, I have put my hope in His Word.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


I got Z man his first Transformer toy today. He has been asking for one for about 3 weeks now; ever since he played with his cousins in Florida. I got him the Jet. When I suprised him with it as i got home from work, he squealed with excitment and ran with it to show his mother. We spent the next 45 minutes or so opening and transforming the toy. My son and I had so much fun. I will say that this toy is cooler and more complicated than the Transformers I had as a kid. Truely a fun evening. I think now I should get one so we can play together with more detail:)


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Ocean Night

This is beautiful. There is a mostly full moon moving behind a partly cloudy sky. Moonlight is reflecting off of the Gulf of Mexico and shimmering on the water. There is a rhythmic and surging, but subtle crashing sound as the waves roll onto the shore. The night is dark. The beach houses have their lights off to prevent confusing the baby sea turtles. It is quiet and peaceful other than the motion of the sea, that suggests a unseen powerful world. So thrilling to sleep where the earth meets the ocean.


Monday, July 30, 2007

Day at the Beach 7/28/07 6:00PM

This is truly awe inspiring. For an okie at the beach the ocean is phenomenal. I was raised off and on in Florida but have spent most of my adult life in the midwest.

Today my family arrived for our annual vacation on St. George Island, Florida. At dusk the water line is retreating as the waves pound the shore. The wet glossy sand is dusted by currents of a wispy layer of dry sand as the wind works hard to build new dunes. Our footprints our quickly recovered by the beach. Small fish swim in the shallows as seagulls glide a few yards above the small breaking waves.

I love this place. This is such a picture of living water. There is such warmth, peace and joy here.

"The sea belongs to him [Jesus], for he made it..." Psalms 95:5a emphases added


Sunday, July 29, 2007

Quote of the Day

"Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety"

Solomon (Proverbs 29:25)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Black Widow

This was pretty cool. We are currently in Florida. My girls came inside excited, stating that they had found a Black widow spider. I was skeptical. However my oldest is very scientific and usually knows her animals. Sure enough they had found a Large (body about 1/4 inch long) Black Widow Spider. It was dying from a bug spray treatment. We kept a respectful distance and observed it. So cool what you can learn when you don't have fear, just respect.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Moto Q Key

Ok, after about 5 months of use I believe I have found the key to the Motorola Q. The device works great for sms, Email, web, music, media and office documents. However you throw phone features, like making and receiving calls, and the device freezes up. I timed outbound call connection at between 20 & 34 seconds. My estimate is that inbound calls experience the same type of delays in responding to the network. However some times the phone works great. It seems to be the device needs a minimum of 14mb of ram. This doesn't seem like a big obstical until you realize that after the os, and what I consider basic software (Docs to go, spelling sw, Coreplayer etc) it leaves you with about 20MB out of the max 64MB RAM. I find push email & PIM a neccesity. So even with all non-os sw loaded and run off of a 1 gig transflash card, and Good link loaded on my device, I have about 13.8 Mb.

I tried a new HTC-6800 "Mougle" for a weekend. I was impressed by the Sprint Music Store, 2mp camera, bluetooth and WiFi connectivity. I really enjoyed the new email and PIM capabilities found in the Windows Mobile 6 system. Now the PIM allows you to invite attendees to meetings and the calender is much more comprehensive. The office documents where very similar to desktop applications with features like spell check. The Mougle increased the ROM to 128 MB and the processor to 400MHz, however the device only has 64 MB RAM, like the Q. And like the Q when attempting to run multiple apps like media, text & phone, the device started to freeze up; even to the point of not being able to display default background graphics.

So how about a Windows Mobile 6 device with a 400 MHZ processor, 1 gig of ROM and 128 MB of RAM that also supported up to a 4 Gig Trans flash card like the LG 570 Muziq.

Or I could just go back to a Blackberry.


Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Basics

Mercy is God forgiving me of sin.
Grace is the supernatural power of God given to mankind to live a sinless life.
Church is the covenant with Christ’s body.
The Kingdom of God is Gods way of doing things and a living of the greatest life ever.


Perfect Phone

I have been a user of wireless tech for about 15 years and have spent a good portion of that time consulting with companies and individuals alike to aid them in wireless solutions. When it comes to my personal mobile device I tend to use a device to the utmost of its capabilities. Often I find myself frustrated by the limitations of consumer available devices, especially with the current capabilities of some of the networks in the US today having such great capabilities. Currently we have networks capable of delivering greater than DSL speeds for both transmitting and receiving, GPS location/navigation, Push to Talk, Wireless PIM synch and numerous business capabilities that most consumers are not aware of. I currently use Sprint Nextel as a user who was obtained from the Nextel side. Currently I would have to bounce between 3 devices to get the core items I use. I want one Item that does it all well. If I could build it here is what it would have:

Rich HTML tabbed browsing
Java based, C++ operating system
Active Enhanced GPS
iDEN Push to Talk
Push Email and Wireless PIM synch with both corporate, POP & IMAP email & wireless synch with all Google apps.
MS Office synch, attachment viewing, creation, editing save.
Multimedia Wireless Download, Playback and Synch.
Video - over the Air
TVMovies - Over The Air
Military specs for Drop, Dust, Vibrate and Moisture.
Qwerty key and scroll wheel or trackball navigation.
Minimum of 1GB internal memory.
Micro SD transflash card slot, compatible with 4GB cars.
Host of available third party apps like spell check, Pocket Quicken etc.
Screen is QVGA auto orientation touchscreen

All of the above features are found on at least one phone on the market currently or slotted to come out in the next 45 days.

I mean, is perfection to much to ask?


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Life in Detail

I came upon a realization today. People can be viewed in two basic lights, based on how they view life. There is a basic thought and deciscion making process that leads people, who are exposed to identicle catalyst, to react in different ways. This leads people to diferent destinatons even though they are presented with simular backgrounds. Basically life is like viewing an impressionist painting. Some see the beautiful painting, the scene the collors the captuing of life. Others see the individual dots or brush strokes. Some see the picture and some see the strokes. Obviously most say we must see the big picture; I present however that the artist sees the strokes. So life is in the big picture but the big picture is of the details. We should know the vision of our life, and those that realize that vision also have a grasp on the details. To quote Steven Covey "A goal is a dream with a deadline."


Sunday, May 20, 2007


Success is found in the second mile. The enemy of greatness is not evil but average . We are not those who stop when things get tough, but instead those who use the friction of resistance to chose correct choices that make us tougher; that in turn enables us to change the world.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007


What a sad commentary on our modern society, when an indivdual who has built a successfull life on conservative moral values, is labeled as extreme. Ironically if such an individual would have varied in the implamentation of their moral stance, they would have been labled as a hypocrite. Therefore our modern majority society is not actually interested in hypocrisy, honesty or morality, but more into conformity of opinions that excuse slobbish self-centered behavior.


Saturday, May 12, 2007

i hear God

We came upon this statue today. It was a bronze sculpture of Jesus teaching college students. My son Zadok immediately said, "Look its Jesus!” It was very neat that he knew with immediate familiarity the image of God. I read the caption "The MasterTeacher". My son then said to me "I hear God, but I hear Him all over the world"; my daughter Natasha wanted to touch Him and look into His eyes. How cool.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Fearless Happiness

It is amazing the simpe joys you can experiance when you expell fear fom your life fear is like a weed if you let it in at all it will spread to bigger more important areas. The fear of rats or spiders can open a door in your life for fear of people or future which can be disableing. 2 Timothy 1:7 GOd dosent give us fear but power. So we should not fear, anything, live in power and love life.


Rainny AM

Son enjoying a brief stand in the rain, on a rainny Monday morning. Simple joy.


Saturday, May 5, 2007

Lust, Flesh, Pride & Eyes of Life

Man I love this song. It was written in the early 80s by the 77s (Mike Roe and co.) It is a song that comes from the Bible, 1 John 2:16 and reads:" For the World offers only the lust for physical pleasure, the lust for everything we see, and the pride in our possessions. These are not from the Father. They are from this evil World."

How true. How many times do I find myself worn slick trying to obtain things that will make me "feel" better or to get more stuff or to make others think better about me. If God wanted me to care about what people thought He would have given me the ability to read minds. Basically, live for a higher purpose not our own lives; this is the meaning of life.

Philippians 2:3-4 says "Don't be selfish, don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing"

I can't get distracted by me. I need to focus on God by focusing on his creation which are all those around me. If want to help God I do that by helping man. Like Mathew 25:40 says I only love God as much as the person I like the least.


I had a coach tell me once; "Courage is not the lack of fear, but doing the rite thing in spite of fear". What a great lesson. Many times there is the thought that something I want to do or need to do is too big or out of reach, but it is the rite thing to do for my family, friends, co-workers, humanity or myself. Very often the enemy of good is not evil but laziness and self centered-ness. Another great quote, which goes with this, is "All that is required for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing". I must constantly remember that good is required of me, it must be active and take effort and be based on a solid inner knowledge of what is good. Then I must act out good, even when it seems confrontational, objectionable or detrimental to me. I must do rite even when faced with fear; override my emotions with knowledge of truth. I must have courage.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Drive Home

I have a nice drive to and from work each day. Each way is about 45 minutes. The drive takes me through the rural Oklahoma countryside. Along the way i have the opprotunity to take in many interesting sites; farms, horses, little leage baseball games and the like.

Last night i saw a long chain of large ambiguously shaped vehicles traveling in the opposite direction under police escort. I called my wife and we had fun jokingly speculating as to what they may have been. Today on my way home the image became clear; i passed the escorted convoy of STREET SWEEPERS. Funny if not slighty anti-climatic.


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Mobile xion 1

I want to test out mobile blogging.



Motorola Q + Sprint = Cool Time . I was able to Surf the Net, Listen to music and work on a Excel all at the same time.