Sunday, May 27, 2007

Life in Detail

I came upon a realization today. People can be viewed in two basic lights, based on how they view life. There is a basic thought and deciscion making process that leads people, who are exposed to identicle catalyst, to react in different ways. This leads people to diferent destinatons even though they are presented with simular backgrounds. Basically life is like viewing an impressionist painting. Some see the beautiful painting, the scene the collors the captuing of life. Others see the individual dots or brush strokes. Some see the picture and some see the strokes. Obviously most say we must see the big picture; I present however that the artist sees the strokes. So life is in the big picture but the big picture is of the details. We should know the vision of our life, and those that realize that vision also have a grasp on the details. To quote Steven Covey "A goal is a dream with a deadline."


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